
Touch Screen
If you operate the controller via USB, no external power supply is necessary. The controller is powered directly via the USB bus. When operating via RS232, you need an external power supply of +5V. With our standard controllers for 4.5 and 8 analog resistive touchscreens, pin 4 must be supplied…
Touch Screen
It is possible to have a thicker microglass on top. Right now we are offering up to 0.2mm thick microglass as an option.
Touch Screen
The most generalized method among touch panel technologies. By use of a pair of conductive films inserted between the upper and lower layer facing each other, if pressure exceeding a certain level is applied to a random position, the two conductive films are designed to touch each other. The basic…
Touch Screen
You can clean an ULTRA touchscreen with any commercially available cleaning agent.
Touch Screen
Strain coefficients at 20°C of common materials in the construction of touchscreen solutions
Touch Screen
At Interelectronix , the costs for development are only passed on to our customers as soon as tools have to be created. No development costs are charged for: -Consultation Materials for which a tool already existsThe development service is free of charge. Additional options such as a laminate on…
Touch Screen
You can't connect the 5-pin cable incorrectly. The pinout of the controller is symmetrically arranged. By calibrating the controller, the orientation is automatically corrected.Of course, this only applies if you use our original controller IX5000 without a modified pinout . All 5 pins must be…
Touch Screen
In order to achieve a good bonding bond, the material surfaces to be bonded must be absolutely dry and clean. For cleaning, grease-free solvents such as heptane, isopropyl alcohol or alcohol are recommended. Glue touch screen with high pressure and high temperature During bonding, the highest…
Impactinator® Glass
Touch Screen
If the controller is displayed in the overview menu when operating the controller via the RS232 interface and the error "devcon.exe cannot be found" is displayed when clicking the "Add" button, then the file "devcon.exe" should be executed separately again in the installation folder on the computer…
Touch Screen
Uses for touchscreens The touchscreen is found on a wide variety of ICT applications: Assistive Technology The touchscreen interface can be beneficial to those that have difficulty using other input devices such as a mouse or keyboard. When used in conjunction with software such as on-screen…
Touch Screen
The following touchscreens are possible, whereby Interelectronix is the global market leader for GFG touchscreens (glass film glass). Glass Film Glass Glass Film Glass Film Film Glass Polycarbonate film, film, glass
Embedded HMI
The design of touch screen applications is crucial to their usability, with clear icons, bright contrasting colors, large buttons, button placement, and simple layouts contributing to the success of the installation. The design of buttons should be as large as possible, kept away from the edges and…
Industrial Monitor
In today's blog post, we would like to draw attention to Spritz Technology, Inc., a Boston-based start-up company that has focused on its newly developed technology of speed reading on smartphones, smartwatches, tablets and the like. The company, which has offices in Boston, Munich and Salt Lake…
Touch Screen
The separation of infrared touchscreen technology is the logical consequence of the following considerations.
Industrial Monitor
Greg Grabski and Tim Robinson explore how to improve the visual performance of touchscreen displays Displays_in their technical report _Enhancing the Visual Performance of Touch Screen, published in July 2013.
Touch Screen
More and more often you can read news from the field of ITO substitutes on the relevant websites. More and more specialized companies are bringing transparent, conductive material onto the market, which is intended to replace the most commonly used ITO (= indium tin oxide) to date. If you are only…
Industrial Monitor
As early as 1974, the American Dr. Sam Hurst developed the first transparent touch display. Even then, he was worried about the fact that a monitor would be just as suitable for data entry as the mouse or keyboard input devices that were common at the time. Ever since the American company Apple…
Touch Screen
Electrochromic devices (ECDs) show reversible optical changes in the visible range as soon as they are exposed to an electrical charge. They are the focus of interest in various areas of application. They can be used, for example, as "smart" windows in buildings, vehicles, airplanes as well as for…
Touch Screen
Over the past five years, a large number of companies have developed TCF alternatives (= Transparent Conductive Film) for indium tin oxide (ITO). In September 2014, the independent information company IDTechEx prepared an industry analysis with market forecasts and technologies for the years 2014…