Industrial Monitor
At the beginning of the year, the Finnish company "Canatu", in cooperation with "Faurecia", presented its transparent, flexible multi-touch interface for the first time as part of the Stuttgart innovation platform "Startup Autobahn". This is a technology program for company founders that is…
Touch Screen
Carbon nanobuds (CNB) were discovered in 2006 by the founders of the Finnish company Canatu Oy when the research group was trying to produce single-walled carbon nanotubes. CNBs are therefore a combination of carbon nanotubes and spherical fullerenes (hollow, closed molecules of carbon atoms) and…
Touch Screen
According to Wikipedia, silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth's shell, based on the mass fraction (ppmw), after oxygen. Silicon is a semimetal and an element semiconductor.
Elemental silicon can be obtained on a laboratory scale by reduction, starting from silicon dioxide or…
Industrial Monitor
In May 2017, a new guideline for substitute materials for ITO was published on the online platform of the market research report provider "Research and Markets".
Industrial Monitor
The optical bonding (optical bonding = transparent liquid bonding) of one or more layers of glass on the back of a touchscreen increases its impact resistance and reduces light reflection. Such touchscreens are particularly interesting for outdoor use. Because you are almost vandal-proof. But…
Embedded HMI
The Internet of Things (IoT = Internet of Things) is about everyday objects being networked with the Internet and being able to communicate with each other without a human being. There are already frequent applications in this area. And the interface between man and machine is predominantly a…
Touch Screen
At the beginning of 2014, it was reported that artificial graphene had been produced for the first time. A material similar to stable, yet flexible, conductive and transparent graphene. Several researchers from various universities in Luxembourg, Lille, Utrecht and Dresden have succeeded in…
Increasing scarcity of raw materials and the increasing consumption of rare (expensive) metals are decisive for the many researches in the field of transparent, conductive, flexible electrodes. The aim is to enable their production on a large scale at low cost. This is intended to replace brittle…
Embedded HMI
According to Wikipedia, the Internet of Things (IoT) is a combination of uniquely identifiable physical objects (things) with a virtual representation in an Internet-like structure. The primary goal is therefore to unite our real world with the virtual one. British technology pioneer Kevin Ashton…
Impactinator® Glass
We have already reported on Gorilla Glass in various blog posts. If you search for the term on the Internet, you will also notice that many suppliers excel in using Corning's Gorilla Glass in their products. It is no secret that many smartphones, tablet PCs or large flat screens attach the glass to…
Enhancing Medical Environments with Advanced Touchscreen Technology
In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of healthcare, every piece of equipment must be designed with precision and reliability. This is especially true for touch displays used in medical settings, where hygiene and ease of use are…
If you take it literally, an embedded PC is an embedded system, a small compact computer without the typical user interface, without input devices or monitors. It takes over predefined tasks for monitoring or controlling special functions. In medical devices, these can be, for example:
The abbreviation HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. This is a user interface (also known as a human-machine interface (MMS)). In general, a user interface is above all where menus are shown on a display and operated by a human.
HMIs for electromedical devices can often be found:
Embedded HMI
Like many well-known car manufacturers, Skoda has also equipped its newer models with a central 8" color touchscreen (see photo). With the previous Bolero / Amundsen radio navigation system, both driver and front passenger can control the most important functions.
Embedded HMI
Touchscreen technology has been indispensable for years. Be it the smartphone, the tablet PC or the industrial touchscreen. Operating a surface or triggering different functions by swiping and swiping has been a common everyday gesture of the hand for years.
Embedded HMI
At the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona, Sony unveiled its new Xperia™ Touch. A laser projector that turns flat surfaces such as the wall or floor into a touchscreen between 23-80 inches (58.4-203.2 cm) and is operated by hand gestures and infrared sensors (10-point multi-touch) like a…
Embedded HMI
In a Europe-wide study commissioned by gfu Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH in May 2016, around 6000 households in Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Spain and Switzerland were surveyed on their respective attitudes, usage behaviour and purchase intentions in connection with…
Embedded HMI
In our article "Technology trends 2017 - but no flat future?" we reported that growth in the tablet sector is stagnating. According to a forecast by Deloitte, around 10 percent fewer tablet computers will be sold over the counter in 2017 than last year.
Embedded HMI
The technology trend "Internet of Things" (IoT) will continue to play a pioneering role in the coming years and will be responsible for new products and services.
According to a new EITO studio entitled: "The Internet of Things in Europe: Driving Change in Every Industry - Bringing Opportunity for…
Touch Screen
For some time now, scientists have seen graphene as a proven successor to ITO (indium tin oxide). That is why there are numerous research projects that are looking for a cost-effective and large-scale production option for graphene.
Among others, materials scientists from the University of Erlangen…