Embedded HMI
Some time ago, the technology company Sony launched a new project called "Future Lab". The goal of this new program is to work with customers. Namely, by incorporating their feedback on products into the development.
In this way, the development department immediately receives useful feedback and…
Industrial Monitor
In our blog, we have often reported on well-known car manufacturers who equip certain model series with touchscreen displays. The South Korean brand Hyundai is now one of these manufacturers.
7 inch touch screen AVN system
Since July 2015, the popular models, Hyundai Elite i20 and Hyundai i20…
Industrial Monitor
A new material that is both highly transparent and electrically conductive was recently discovered by materials scientists and engineers at Penn State University. The university's scientists agree that it could be used to produce not only large-screen displays, but also so-called "smart windows"…
Industrial Monitor
In various industrial environments with high-risk and hazardous hazardous areas such as mining, metal processing, as well as chemical or painting plants, particularly robust HMI touch applications are in demand. HMI stands for Human Machine Interfaces. Such touchscreens must withstand the…
Touch Screen
New electronic devices such as touch screens, flexible displays, printable electronics, photovoltaics or solid-state lighting have led to a rapid increase in the market growth of flexible, transparent electrical conductors. Our readers already know that ITO (indium tin oxide) has long since ceased…
Industrial Monitor
Physics Professor James K. Freericks of Georgetown University published a research paper on graphene in the Nature Communication journal in May 2015. Titled "Theory of Floquet band formation and local pseudospin textures in pump-probe photoemission of graphene".
Industrial Monitor
Graphene is one of the hardest and most resilient materials in the world. It has unusual properties that make it interesting for both basic research and technical applications. This is because it is almost transparent, flexible and very strong (up to 300 times stronger than steel at the same weight…
Touch Screen
In September, the EU research and innovation magazine "Horizon" published an interview with Dr. Amaia Zurutuza, the scientific director of the Spanish company "Graphenea", which is a leader in graphene production, on its website. In the interview, Dr. Zurutuza spoke about the graphene market, which…
Touch Screen
In recent years, there have been countless articles, discussions and reports on the miracle material called "graphene". It is one of the hardest and most resilient materials in the world and has been on everyone's lips since the Nobel Prize in 2010 at the latest. Because of its many advantages (e.g…
Touch Screen
The Graphene flagship project has been in existence since October 2013. In it, 126 academic and industrial research groups in 17 European countries are working together to revolutionize the scientific and technological use of graphene. The aim is to produce graphene in large quantities and at…
Industrial Monitor
In the December 2015 issue of the journal "Advanced Energy Materials", a research report from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has been published that deals with a possible ITO substitute in the form of silver grids.
Touch Screen
Flexible electrodes are not only used in health and wellness applications, but also in flexible touchscreens. Just as you can bend a touchscreen these days, the electrodes behind it must also withstand this new type of mechanical stress. Bending, folding, twisting or stretching place new demands on…
Embedded HMI
The trend in the field of touch displays continues towards pressure-sensitive touchscreens. These enable a variety of new types of applications for both consumer electronics and industrial touch applications (keyword: HMI = Human Machine Interface). This is because they can be used to trigger…
Touch Screen
Flat, fragile touches are no longer as much in demand as they were at the beginning of the touchscreen technology era. Especially in the consumer sector, a lot of emphasis is now being placed on flexible and durable products.
Touchscreen technology is currently undergoing a rapid change, namely…
Industrial Monitor
Since November 2015, the American market research institute TechNavio has been offering a report on the global market situation of the capacitive touchscreen industry on its website under the title "Market outlook of the global capacitive touchscreen market".
Touch Screen
Graphene, carbon nanotubes, and random metal nanowire films have emerged positively as preferred alternative ITO substitute materials in various research projects.
Suitable ITO alternatives
A research team from the University of Surrey (UK) led by Professor Alan Dalton, in collaboration with Oxford…
Impactinator® Glass
Graphene is a chemical relative of diamonds, coal or the graphite of pencil leads. It is one of the hardest and most resilient materials in the world. With only one atomic layer (less than a millionth of a millimeter thick), it is also one of the thinnest materials in the universe.
Graphene has…
Industrial Monitor
The complexity of in-vehicle entertainment is rapidly increasing. Above all, automation and networking are very popular with drivers. That is why modern cars are equipped with more and more technical functions. To stand out from the competition and at the same time offer the driver an innovative,…
Industrial Monitor
New technologies are always on the rise faster than previously assumed. Last year, for example, 3D printers were used for medical purposes for the first time. For organic materials, which turned out to be lighter, cheaper and more flexible, the first practical applications were found. And drugs…
Touch Screen
Earlier this year, U.S. semiconductor manufacturer Atmel Corporation, based in San José, California, announced the expansion of its maXTouch-T series of capacitive touchscreen controllers. The mXT106xT2 series, which was in production at the time, has been commercially available since May. Since…