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了解 Pixel 的基础知识

像素不是具有完整色谱的微小方块。相反,它们由排列在 RGB 阵列(红色、绿色和蓝色)中的子像素组成。这些子像素的发射光被加法混合以产生我们看到的颜色。这些子像素非常小,几乎无法用肉眼看到。通过调整每个子像素的强度,组合发射会产生各种颜色。这种加法混合通过精确控制每个子像素的光线,使屏幕能够显示详细的图像和大量的颜色。

OLED技术采用多种像素排列方式,每种像素排列都为满足独特的显示要求而量身定制。这些配置会影响从色彩准确性和功耗到制造复杂性和成本的方方面面。了解这些差异对于为您的应用选择理想的 OLED 显示器 至关重要。





The most straightforward OLED pixel arrangement is the RGB stripe. This configuration aligns red, green, and blue subpixels in a horizontal line. It mirrors the structure of traditional LCD Displays, making it familiar to manufacturers and developers alike. The RGB stripe is known for its high color fidelity and sharpness, making it a popular choice for smartphones, monitors, and televisions where color accuracy is paramount.

Pentile Matrix: Efficiency and Longevity

Pentile matrix is another common OLED pixel arrangement. Unlike the RGB stripe, it does not use a uniform distribution of subpixels. Instead, it employs fewer blue and red subpixels compared to green. This design reduces power consumption and extends the lifespan of the display since blue subpixels tend to degrade faster. The Pentile arrangement is particularly advantageous for devices where power efficiency and longevity are critical, such as wearable technology and smartphones.

Diamond Pixel: Optimizing High Resolution

As screen resolutions climb higher, the diamond pixel arrangement has emerged as a solution for maintaining image quality. This layout places subpixels in a diamond-shaped grid, enhancing sharpness and detail, especially in 4K and higher resolutions. The diamond pixel arrangement is particularly beneficial for VR headsets and high-end monitors, where every pixel counts towards creating an immersive and detailed visual experience.

A high-resolution screenshot from an optical microscope shows that the iPhone 15 Pro uses a Diamond Pixel layout, common in many OLED displays. The alternating Red and Blue arrangement creates a 45-degree diagonal symmetry, reducing aliasing and artifacts. This layout maximizes sub-pixel packing, leading to higher pixels per inch (ppi) and a more precise display.



在亮度和功率效率至关重要的应用中,RGBW 像素排列为标准 RGB 三重奏增加了一个白色子像素。这种额外的子像素增加了整体亮度,而不会显着影响功耗。RGBW通常用于户外显示器和标牌,在这些显示器和标牌中,阳光直射下的可见性至关重要。






除了常见配置外,还可以为特定应用设计自定义像素排列。例如,医疗成像显示器可能需要高度准确的色彩再现和灰度性能,因此需要独特的像素布局。同样,汽车显示器需要承受恶劣的环境条件,同时保持可见性,从而实现量身定制的像素设计。在 Interelectronix,我们擅长创建定制的OLED解决方案,以满足客户的特定需求。