Imagine investing in an IK10-rated monitor, only to see it fail at a crucial moment. The frustration and potential financial loss can be significant. At Interelectronix, we understand these challenges deeply. With over 25 years of expertise, we know what makes a truly reliable IK10 monitor. This post will guide you through the nuances of differentiating between a genuinely robust IK10 monitor and a substandard one, ensuring your investment is well-protected.

Understanding the IK10 Rating

The IK rating system measures the degree of protection an enclosure provides against external mechanical impacts. Specifically, an IK10 rating indicates that the device can withstand an impact energy of 20 Joules, typically tested using a 5 kg mass dropped from a height of 40 cm. The standards governing these ratings are outlined in the EN/IEC 62262 and IEC/EN 60068-2-75.

However, not all IK10-rated monitors are created equal. The key lies in understanding and identifying the correct testing methods and equipment, as stipulated by these standards.

The Importance of Proper Testing Procedures

Accurate IK10 testing is a meticulous process that involves specific procedures and equipment. Here’s what you need to look for:

Testing Surface

A proper IK10 test requires a solid, stable surface. When you see a monitor being tested on cardboard sheets or cell foam, it's a red flag. These materials absorb some of the impact energy, leading to inaccurate results. The test should be conducted on a hard, non-flexing surface to ensure the impact energy is fully transferred to the monitor.

Impact Element

The EN/IEC 62262 standard specifies the use of standardized impact elements, which are not ball-shaped. If a round steel ball is used in the test, it's not an authentic IK test. Proper testing elements are more complex in shape, designed to simulate real-world impacts accurately.

Table Stability

The stability of the testing table is crucial. If the table flexes significantly during the test, it absorbs part of the impact energy, skewing the results. A solid, stable table ensures the full impact energy is delivered to the monitor, providing accurate test results.

Impact Locations

Testing should not be limited to the center of the monitor. A comprehensive IK10 test involves multiple impact points, including edges and corners, to ensure the entire monitor meets the required standards. Impacting only the center often tests the strongest part of the monitor, which doesn’t provide a complete picture of its durability.

Common Misconceptions and Pitfalls

Understanding common misconceptions about IK10 testing can help you make an informed decision.

Matching Impact Force

Some believe that matching the impact force to 20 Joules is sufficient for a valid test. However, the shape and material of the impact element, the testing surface, and the stability of the setup are all critical factors. Simply matching the impact force without adhering to the correct procedures does not ensure compliance with the IK10 rating.

Self-Created Test Certificates

Be cautious of manufacturers who produce their own test certificates without adhering to the EN/IEC 62262 standard. These certificates often lack credibility and do not guarantee the monitor's performance in real-world conditions. There is nothing wrong with a self-created test certificate, but it has to meet all information and calibration data to fully reproduce it.

Incorrect Testing Equipment

Proper IK10 testing requires specific equipment. Many companies either lack this equipment or use inappropriate substitutes, leading to inaccurate results. Ensuring that the manufacturer uses the correct, standardized equipment is crucial for reliable IK10 testing.

Wrong Impact Locations

Impact testing only in the center of the monitor is insufficient. A comprehensive test should include impacts at various locations, especially edges and corners, which are more vulnerable. This thorough approach ensures the entire monitor meets the IK10 standard.

The Expertise of Interelectronix

At Interelectronix, we pride ourselves on our deep understanding and rigorous application of the EN/IEC 62262 standard. With over 25 years of experience, we have consistently provided reliable and durable IK10 monitors to our clients. Our commitment to quality ensures that our products meet and exceed industry standards.

Why Choose Interelectronix?

Proven Track Record

Our extensive experience and long-term success in the industry speak volumes about our expertise and reliability. We have built a reputation for delivering high-quality IK10 monitors that withstand real-world conditions.

Strict Adherence to Standards

We strictly follow the EN/IEC 62262 standard, using the correct impact elements and testing procedures to ensure our monitors meet the IK10 rating. Our rigorous testing processes guarantee that our monitors provide the protection they claim.

Comprehensive Testing

We conduct thorough testing on all parts of the monitor, not just the center, to ensure complete protection. This comprehensive approach ensures that our monitors are truly IK10 rated and can withstand impacts from various angles and locations.

Customer-Centric Approach

We understand the unique needs of our clients and tailor our solutions to meet their specific requirements. Our customer-centric approach ensures that we deliver products that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations.


Choosing the right IK10 monitor is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of your operations. By understanding the proper testing procedures and common pitfalls, you can make an informed decision. At Interelectronix, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, reliable IK10 monitors that meet the stringent EN/IEC 62262 standard. With our extensive experience and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to deliver the best solutions for your needs.

To learn more about our products and how we can help you, contact Interelectronix today. Let us guide you in selecting a monitor that truly meets the IK10 standard and provides the protection you need. Your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities.

Reach out to us and discover the Interelectronix difference.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 18. June 2024
Reading time: 9 minutes