That special something

User interface concepts and designs are not just for the functional operation of touch systems but also aim to be intuitive and straightforward. Increasingly, user interfaces are tasked with conveying a brand’s image or quality, as successful products rely not just on technical excellence but also on emotional appeal. Interelectronix specializes in developing innovative user interface concepts that enhance ease of use and add significant value to the product.

Most of Interelectronix’s designs are software-based, introducing new special effects and operational options that make touch systems intuitive and engaging. For POS applications, features include brighter screens when a user approaches or adaptive monitor lighting based on ambient conditions. Their software-based concepts also optimize complex input processes, preventing user errors by guiding them intuitively and offering appropriate corrections.

An intelligent user interface concept goes beyond an attractive design. Behind each Interelectronix interface are numerous considerations, often not immediately visible, but crucial for the optimal and successful operation of a touch system.